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Product Portfolio

Download our product portfolio here. A carefully compiled representation of LASE group. Logical and clear, for our customers, but also for ourselves. You'll learn about our core values, the project flow, our all-in-one toolshop, and so on. It tells who we are and what we do in a nutshell.

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Brochure Mini Cell

In this brochure of our Laser Engraving Station, the Mini Cell, you will find out more about all the possibilities of this machine. You will find a detailed description of all possible laser systems that can be integrated, as well as a number of indispensable parameters. Take a look at the brochure and learn about the many possibilities.

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Brochure Modular XL

Looking for traceability? Then we have a standard solution fully tailored to your business. The big brother of the Mini Cell. Yes, this Laser Engraving Station can do even more! Discover everything in the brochure!

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Brochure Cleaning Station

Are you already familiar with the 6S program? With the Cleaning Station from LASE group this is no longer a problem. We provide a central point for the storage of essential cleaning materials. This Cleaning Station is fully customizable, so that it fits perfectly in your company. Curious? Download the brochure!

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Brochure Working Bench

With a workbench, employees can also better manage their workspace. Everyone organizes things differently and different methods suit different people. This gives your employees a little more flexibility and freedom when working and storing tools and materials. The LASE group workbench offers various options and the whole is fully customizable. Click on the button on the right and download our brochure for more information!

Labor Aiding Systems Europe NV
Industrieweg 1086
3540 Herk-de-Stad

Tel: +32 (0)13 31 57 36

Fax: +32 (0)13 31 57 47


BE 0473 840 149

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©LASE group 2022

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